Sustainability Partners

Sustainable Food Supplies, Even for Our Pets!

Sustainable Food Supplies, Even for Our Pets!

sustainable lifeThere is a world-wide concern that one day, things will go south, and we will have to worry about our sustainability. There is a constant push for people to prepare doomsday bags and plan for a life without the luxuries that we have now. Gardens are being grown so that people will have food, money is being banked so that we will have money, and there are people who have non-perishable foods stored away. Luckily, because of everyone’s desire to be self-sustaining in the event of a disaster, there are plenty of sustainable food supplies, even for our pets!

All Family Members Matter

beloved pets sustainabilityThey say that you should pack enough supplies to last you and your entire family for several days at the very least. This also includes having enough supplies on hand for our beloved pets since they are an extension of most families. Most owners go above and beyond to make sure that their pets are eating the best possible foods available, and it should continue to be a priority if bad things happen because they will depend on you to help them survive as much as your children will.

Is Dog Food Sustainable?

sustainabilityWhen talking about the sustainability of foods, we often have to wonder about pet foods. People often wonder whether dog food is sustainable or if it is something they have to worry about going bad. They also have to worry about storing a 50lb bag of dog food to sustain their pet for a week if they have a large breed dog. Where would you hold that much dog food? Could you store it in a way that rats and other critters wouldn’t get into it? Perhaps the better way for some people to handle it is to consider another alternative. There is a few raw food diet for dogs suppliers and some of them deliver on a weekly basis to ensure that your pet will always have food available to them. This can take a lot of stress and worry off you since you will know that your pet will have the option to eat a well-balanced diet that is made of real food sources that are designed for them now, and in the event of a disaster their foods will be delivered. As an added bonus, no chemicals or processing plants that can damage our earth further are required for this type of food.

Plan for the Future

The truth of, with the way the world is going at this time, there is no guarantee about what will happen to us tomorrow. A war could break out, the power grid could crash, global warming could send a major, natural disaster our way, and any number of other things could happen. It is a scary thought and all families are encouraged to plan for the future events that are looming on the horizon. Planning now will be the only way to ensure that your family will survive. It saves the environment from harm now so that you can live off the land later if you need to. Your children, your pets, and others who depend on you will expect you to know how to make things okay. Are you prepared in every way that you can be?